Biblical Restoration Ministries - Books

Biblical Restoration Ministries - Books
Spiritual Warfare Books
Available from your local christian book store.
by Mark I. Bubeck
A modern classic on spiritual warfare - every Christian needs the help of this handbook in order to recognize and more effectively resist the world, the flesh and the devil. The purpose of this book is to alert Christians to the battle they are engaged in and give them scripturally- balanced effective guidelines for dealing with all 3 enemies of their sanctification.
by Mark I. Bubeck
The battle is real, and you are involved whether you like it on not. But don't be afraid, your victory is won. This sequel to The Adversary is another practical handbook that shows you how to be strong in the Lord, appropriate the power of the Holy Spirit, and put on the whole armor of God.
by Jim Logan
Sometimes Christians forget they have an enemy. But let your guard down for just a moment, and Satan, ever watchful for an opportunity, is waiting to attack – not just you, but your family as well. Dr. Logan shows how Christ alone can save your home from destructive influences and equip you to reclaim previously surrounded ground.
by Clinton Arnold
What is spiritual warfare? Can a Christian be demon-possessed? Are we called to engage territorial spirits? Clinton Arnold develops a biblical understanding of spiritual warfare, defines the influence demons can have on believers, and sheds invaluable light on the controversial topic of territorial spirits and the extent of believers’ authority over them.
by Neil T. Anderson
Being spiritually alive “in Christ” is the overwhelming theme of the New Testament. We have been deceived into believing that “who we are” is the product of our past failures and experiences. But we cannot consistently behave in ways that are inconsistent with the way we perceive ourselves. As Dr. Neil T. Anderson shows in Victory Over the Darkness, we must have a true knowledge of God and of who God says we are “in Christ” in order to live by faith and walk by the Spirit.
Books Worth Reading
by Mark I. Bubeck
Saturated with biblical insights and prayer resources, Fire from Heaven can help ignite the flame of God’s renewal in your heart…which in turn can set loose a wildfire of godly revival across the land.
by Mark I. Bubeck
The Adversary at Home – An updated version of Raising Lambs among Wolves, this book provides a spiritual approach to dealing with the enemy of our children’s souls. Through stories from his counseling practice and straightforward teaching, Dr. Bubeck gives parents the tools to strengthen their children by first strengthening their own marriage. This book will equip parents to help their children deal with temptation; to free their children to realize their value to God; to recognize and resist ungodly spiritual influences on their children; and to prepare a “good” harvest (of righteousness) for generations to come.
by Mark I. Bubeck
This workbook is formatted for a twelve week group study, and provides an opportunity to gain a biblical perspective of topics related to a broad range of the believer’s spiritual battles. It is built around the four major studies on spiritual warfare topics authored by Mark I. Bubeck.
by Dr. Ed Murphy
equips leaders and mature believers for victory in all three dimensions of spiritual conflict: the World, the Flesh, and the Devil. This is the most thorough treatment available of the biblical and theological foundations, and the practical concerns for spiritual warfare, and has become a modern comprehensive classic on spiritual warfare.
by Kenneth Boa
What does a relationship with God look like and how do we obtain it? It is vital for church leaders to grapple seriously with this question, for pat answers no longer suffice. Lives well lived, not just words eloquently spoken, must become our response. The quality of our relationship with God is what will influence the health, potency, and witness of the church in an increasingly complex and hostile world.
by Richard A. Burr
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
- Matthew 6:6
by Charles F. Stanley
Often the purity and freshness of your initial experience with God becomes clouded by the daily routine of life. The clamor of other voices obscures your hearing, leaving you confused and frustrated with your relationship with God. Your relationship and attitude to God can be free from distortion. Learn to listen to the God who wants to speak to you.
by Clift & Kathleen Richards
The secret place is the place of God’s presence. There you will experience fullness of joy and pleasure forevermore. (see Ps. 16:11) If you want to love God with all your heart and know Him better than you ever have before; if you want to experience the secret riches and the depths of God, this book is for you.
Secrets of the Secret Place
by Bob Sorge
This book is written with a passion to empower and inspire your secret relationship with God. My prayer, as you read this book, is that you get a glimpse of the living relationship God has purposed to have with us. What Jesus had with His Father when He walked on this earth is available to you!”
Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret
by Dr. and Mrs Howard Taylor
J. Hudson Taylor was truly God's chosen servant. From his early life in England, through the founding of the China Inland Mission, to reaching millions of Chinese, his life of faith gives glorious testimony to God. His spiritual secret could change your life.
Winning The War Through Prayer
by Fred Dickason
No more general, routine, and unfocused praying. This book lays the foundation for engaging in spiritual warfare by effective, pointed, biblically based prayer. Part I presents in the first chapter a solid theological foundation, treating worldview, the reality of the spirit world, and our resources. The next chapters show the place of prayer in warfare and delineate some strategies, tactics, and cautions. Part II suggests some pattern warfare prayers for personal, church, and world needs. Believers have used some of these very effectively to see the Lord intervene and remove oppression and obstacles.
The Pursuit of God/ God’s Pursuit of Man
by A. W. Tozer
Compiled by Edythe Draper, this lovely bonded leather devotional book fits perfectly in your pocket and includes 31 daily readings from The Pursuit of God and God's Pursuit of Man, interspersed throughout with Scripture and quotes from classic writers. A gold ribbon bookmark will help you keep your place. This book makes for a perfect gift!
Free Books By Greg Gordon