Biblical Restoration Ministries - Prayer Letters
Biblical Restoration Ministries - Prayer Letters
March, 2009
Dear Friend,
This letter is coming to you during a very crucial time in our nation’s history. The daily news is anything but positive. So many people are finding themselves in dire circumstances wondering where to turn. Heb. 4:14-16 gives us a place to go in our time of need -- to the throne of our gracious God -- and receive His help in our time of need. Prayer ushers us into the Holy of Holies where we bow before the deepest mysteries of the faith. Have you left the secret closet of prayer and wandered away to the far country of business, service, noise, frustration etc. The Father is standing and looking for the prayer prodigal to come home. His arms are stretched out wide to receive us and welcome us home, a home of peace and joy, where He will strengthen us for the task at hand. He longs for us to enter intimacy with Him where we can share our hearts with Him, and He can share His heart with us.
If you have been a prayer prodigal, leave the corn husks and return to the Father. He wants to empower you for whatever these hard times might bring. Leave the frustration and return to the Father. He is waiting. The key to fellowship and intimacy with Him is prayer. David said in Psalm 16:18, “I have set (or fixed) the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” See also Psalm 16:11, “Thou wilt show me the path of life; In Thy The Secret Place With God by Clift and Kathleen Richards)
I read Pray Big by Will Davis and was so blessed by the following story: “Years ago I met with a friend and spiritual mentor. He asked me to join him for a few moments of prayer. I gladly never heard before. he prayed I would love to pray. He prayed that I would enjoy praying. He prayed that it would be easy for me to pray. His worlds blew me away. I had never before thought about praying about my prayer life. But I’ve been praying about it ever since. The prophet Isaiah spoke an amazing promise to Gentiles who embraced the God of Israel -- that God would bring them to His holy mountain (a metaphor for His holy presence) and would make them a joyful in His house of prayer. See Isa. 56:6-7. What a beautiful image! For many of us prayer is drudgery, work and flat-out boring. Most Christians would rather endure a root canal than be forced to spend an hour in prayer. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Start praying for God to help you love prayer. Use the language of Isaiah and ask God to make you joyful in His house of prayer. God will honor your request. I know, because over the last twenty years He has answered mine.”
Thank you for your prayers and support. May the rich blessing of God be upon you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Jim and Marguerite Logan