Biblical Restoration Ministries -Prayer Letters


February, 2007

Dear Friend,

Have you entered the secret life of prayer? Prayer is not just for spiritual giants. It is for all who follow the Lord Jesus Christ. It has been said that, “Jesus’ teaching about prayer in the Sermon on the Mount is intended for every one of His disciples. It is no so much a sermon as it is an invitation to enter the secret life of prayer.”

Martin Luther said, “Prayer is the real calling of all Christians.” It makes no difference what your status in life, we are all called to develop  a life of prayer. Andrew Murray commented on prayer that it is “the highest part of the work entrusted to us, the root and strength of all other work.” Philip Ryhen wrote, “So we pray, believing that no soul ever comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ apart from prayer. We pray, knowing that there can be no effective preaching, no persuasive evangelism, no committed discipleship, no authentic mercy and no cultural transformation without fervent prayer. Not long ago a man asked me some hard questions about my prayer life.  1. How is it between you and Lord these days?  2. What are you learning about God through prayer?  3. What intimacy are you finding with God?  4.  When was the last time you really prayed? How would you answer such questions? For many Christians, the secret life of prayer is a source of secret shame.”

Maybe you are like me; you need a prayer tune-up. We are offering men the opportunity for a prayer tune-up this coming June 2-8. If you would like more information or want to register, cal 512-756-1025. Pray about becoming part of this group of men. I hope to see you there! As Henry Blackaby said, “The intimacy of your walk with God is directly related to your obedience. Ultimately you will have a walk with God that reflects the choices you have made with God. Joshua 24:15”

Here at Biblical Restoration Ministries, Inc. we not only want to minister by phone and to those who come to the office, but also to make materials available that can help you in your walk with God. We have a packet of material which is available upon request. Just ask for “Developing Intimacy With God.” If your time alone with God needs help and encouragement, this material is for you.

Our new logo and name is a direct answer to your prayers. The new logo was designed by my son Richard, and we thank him for his good work. The ministry has not changed, but our new name describes the heart of our purpose - to restore those who are hurting -- first to God and then to others.

A Recent Case Study

I received a call from a family whose son was having severe struggles at home. His learning disabilities were a constant source of problems for him and in the home. When we identified his problems, I got excited. His learning disabilities are the same as my own. I knew then how this teenager perceived himself and his world because I had been in his shoes. I also knew that his perceptions were causing the problems - not the actual situations in the home. Until he saw his disabilities from God’s viewpoint, he would continue to reject how God made him and struggle with God. I asked God to guide me in dealing with this young man so he would come to see that the disabilities that he perceived as a terrible problem were actually God’s special gift as part of His calling on this young man’s life. His weakness would be the source of God’s strength. I shared with him my own personal journey from believing I was dumb because of my disabilities to seeing how god has used them in the various positions He has opened up for me. Here is a note I received from this young man after he returned home.

“Thank you so much for taking time out of your week to help me. I am grateful for your help in helping me get through the strongholds in my life. Thank you also for helping me understand that God made me the way that I am for a special purpose. I praise the Lord for you.”

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that make it possible for us to have this ministry.

A Testimony from a Father

“First of all, I would like to thank you for your time last month. The week away from my family, though hard, allowed me time to experience God in a way I hadn’t before. Also, your guidance through scripture really helped me see God’s heart on many issues. Specifically, Luke 9:23 was very meaningful to me. While I choose to deny myself and follow Christ, I now realize that it is a daily choice. Taking God for granted, even for a day, can lead even the most devout Christian off the path God intends. My eyes must stay focused on Him.

I realize that my relationship with God is a journey, a marathon - not a spirit. Satan continues to tempt, but thus far I feel safe in the armor He has provided me. Knowing His truth is stronger than anything Satan can throw at me. On my knees each day I think puts me right where I need to be to fight Satan’s attacks... thank you, Lord! Please keep me updated as to the time and place of your next prayer retreat. I would love to attend!”

Pray God would raise up prayer and financial supporters so we can add another counselor to our staff.

God’s Blessings,

Jim and Marguerite Logan
